
Workers in New York City Protected from Hiring Biases

Artificial Intelligence Hiring Biases in New York City.

Over the last decade and more, employers have been using artificial intelligence ("AI"), machine learning ("ML") and algorithmic computer programs to make hiring decisions. Often, the result is some sort of ranking, scaling or coding of job applicants that screen those to be interviewed. Supposedly, the goal is to make applicant screening more efficient. But, the use of artificial intelligence and other types of computerized programs have raised concerns of bias and discrimination.

In an effort to protect workers in New York City from a new form of potential bias, NYC has enacted an Ordinance to regulate the use of artificial intelligence in hiring. The new ordinance applies to any sort of computer program like artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistical modeling and data analysis that is used to score or classify applicants if such scores or classification are used by an employer to "substantially assist" the hiring process. The new ordinance also applies to decisions with respect to promotions.

Learn More: https://paycheckcollector.com/workers-in-new-york-city-protected-from-hiring-biases/

For more information, call the Employee Rights attorneys at Herrmann Law. If you think that your employer has violated your rights as an employee, call us. We are proven, experienced, employee-focused attorneys representing workers across the United States in all types of workplace disputes. Call us at (817) 479-9229. We are more than just a law firm for employees – we are an employee’s fiercest advocate, equipping employees with the legal representation needed to achieve the best result possible. #nyc #newyork #workersrights #paycheck #paychecktopaycheck #employeerights #emplaw
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