
Work-life: From balance to integration (7/8)

Powered by SCORE Training, session 7 of this 8-part Gender Equality Masterclass series introduces “work-life integration” and provides detailed advice on ways to achieve life priorities in a meaningful way. It provides insights into flexible work, child care support and parental leave as a gateway to staff and company well-being, performance and productivity. Featuring in this video is Hang Vu - Operations Officer at the IFC with expertise in child care policies.

► Coming up next is session 8 of the ILO SCORE Gender Equality Masterclass on ‘Spheres and actions: Making gender equality an organizational priority’. Stay tuned!

► For more videos and information, check the ILO SCORE Gender Equality Masterclass webpage: https://www.ilo.org/empent/Projects/score/WCMS_841725/lang--en/index.htm
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