Will you pass the test? Will you fail the test? Should you take this course? Will you pass the class? Tarot timeless pick a card reading
Disclaimer: All readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Donations accepted here:
Pile 1 [river rock]: 3:00
Pile 2 [mandala]: 6:28
Pile 3 [elephant]: 11:22
Pile 4 [amethyst]: 14:08
Pile 5 [rose quartz]: 17:27
Pile 6 [labradorite moon]: 21:39
Pile 7 [black tourmaline]: 28:12
Pile 8 [river rock]: 31:28
Disclaimer: All readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Donations accepted here:
Pile 1 [river rock]: 3:00
Pile 2 [mandala]: 6:28
Pile 3 [elephant]: 11:22
Pile 4 [amethyst]: 14:08
Pile 5 [rose quartz]: 17:27
Pile 6 [labradorite moon]: 21:39
Pile 7 [black tourmaline]: 28:12
Pile 8 [river rock]: 31:28
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