
What Legal Powers Do Health Departments Have?

This free training — Part 1 of our three-part series on administrative law — uses examples from real life to demystify the legal principles that guide administrative agencies as they carry out their duties.

Health departments are authorized to implement and enforce a multitude of public health laws that regulate the actions of individuals and private entities. Due to the broad reach of their authority and the risk that they will infringe on individuals’ civil rights, it’s critical for public health practitioners to apply key principles and rules of administrative law in order to shape equitable health outcomes.

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This free Public Health Law Academy training was created by ChangeLab Solutions and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To access our series on administrative law, visit https://www.changelabsolutions.org/good-governance/phla/administrative-law-health-equity.

For more trainings, please visit http://www.publichealthlawacademy.org.
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