
"What Is God Up To? Something Good!" Rejoice in the Lord with Pastor Jeff Redlin

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At times you can watch a child engaged in some kind of activity and you raise an eyebrow and you may say, I don't know what they're up to but it's nothing good. When you think about God, clearly we don't understand all of His ways. We know He's up to something but sometimes we wonder what.

When you and I start to consider the dark backdrop of sin, there's something that God has done all along the path of life, in fact He's done it all throughout history and that is He has marked the way with tokens of His goodness. They stand out against the dark backdrop of sin. If you were to ask the question what is God up to? You could always answer it with, something good. I trust that at the conclusion of the message you will rejoice in the Lord regarding the goodness of Almighty God.
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