
Webinar: How to improve staff retention using realistic job previews

Retention is a pain point many organizations face. But it’s an issue that’s typically examined from a limited perspective.

It seems logical to look for solutions to retention problems at the end of the hiring process when you’re trying to convince workers to say. But when you examine the lifecycles of employees holistically, it’s clear there’s work that can be done at the beginning of the hiring process that can greatly reduce attrition.

Hiring the right people for the right roles isn’t easy. But assessing how candidates will fare on the job by using realistic job previews is.

Simulating on-the-job tasks and scenarios workers will likely face, they provide candidates with a realistic look at what it will be like to take on the role at your organization, and not only show you what they can do, but allow them to confirm whether the role and company is the right fit for them.

In this webinar, Dentsu Talent Acquisition Director, Daniel Stockdale joins Vervoe Content Marketing Manager, Dom Hennequin, to explore how conducting a hiring experience that’s more upfront about what job candidates are applying for can bring the right candidates for the right roles into view.
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