

Welcome back to Crown Stag voiceover. In this Vdeo I am going to be talking about NDA or Non disclosure agreement. These are very serious contracts you will sign as a voice actor to be involved in projects. So, What happens if you break an NDA? An NDA or “non-disclosure agreement” is a relatively standard legal contract. The individual who signs the NDA agrees not to publicly disclose certain information about an individual, employer, or other entity. But what happens if you break a non disclosure agreement? Well, there can be some severe consequences, so always think before you sign.

Non disclosure agreements are designed to heavily deter people from releasing sensitive information to other parties or the public, and for this to be effective, there must be some hefty consequences attached. In many cases, the specific impact of breaking your NDA will be outlined in the contract. Some examples of penalties related to breaking an NDA include:

A lawsuit for breach of contract
Monetary fines
Termination of employment (if the NDA is signed as a condition of employment)
Again, most consequences of breaking a non-disclosure are outlined in the contract itself, so always carefully review the terms of the NDA before you sign.

Do no Break you NDA for any reason and for the love of everything you hold dear..... not post it on social media!?

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Follow along with my before you buy series as well to get a feeling for what the pay to play and free voiceover websites are like.

follow my VOICEOVER TIPS series for more insight into becoming a successful voiceover.

Neil Glasgow
Crown Stag Voice over

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