
'US Congress Must Pass Resolution Warning India On Genocide, Biden Must Tell Modi Ties to Suffer'

In a 28-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Dr. Stanton said that although his organization, Genocide Watch, does not rank countries, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum believes that, after Pakistan, India is the second most likely country for a genocide to happen.

In the interview to The Wire, Dr. Stanton said “the early warning signs of (genocide) are present in India.” Referring to Genocide Watch’s ’10 stages of genocide’, he said several of them had been fulfilled in India. The ones he identified are classification (distinguishing between people as us and them and othering them), symbolization (identifying people by the clothes they wear or calling them abba jaan), discrimination (the Citizenship Amendment Act), dehumanization (calling them termites and telling them to go to Pakistan) and polarization (accusing them of love jihad and discriminatory laws against inter-marriage). On top of all this, he said there have been actual calls for genocide which, he added, is akin to genocide under the Genocide Convention to which India is a signatory.

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