
Unizest interviews newcomers to the UK about their experience of Home Office share codes

As you may know, we've been talking to people from all over the world who have recently come to the UK to work or study.

Share codes are alpha-numerical codes used to confirm your right to work in the UK, rent, access benefits, or open a bank account. The UK government has an online service which provides migrants with a share code so they can prove their immigration status and rights, privately and securely: https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status. Please check out the video below to find out about..

- Peoples experience with the government share code process - was it easy or difficult?

- And, whether they were asked by an employer or landlord for a share code?

Keep an eye out for information on share codes and more on our social channels!

To find out more about Unizest, and how you can open your e-current account before arriving in the UK, check out our website https://bit.ly/3lBPnTI or download the app here: https://bit.ly/2XB4wwe
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