
TPT Search Algorithm Changes Master Class: Winners, Losers, and Cheese

A deep dive into the TPT Search Algorithm from an SEOT perspective. Why some TPT sellers will lose a lot of money. Practical TPT SEO strategies. Is the TPT traffic dashboard broken?

Here is a link to the slideshow used in the live stream:


Please share this with other TPT sellers.

Agree? Disagree? Have information that maybe I haven't considered? Let me know in the comments!

Cheers, Mike

Our first live stream was on Sunday, December 4, 2022, at 11:05 AM (ET)

Make sure to subscribe to the channel, as only subscribers will be able to ask questions during the live stream chat. (You can also ask questions below in the comments before we start!)

Here are some of the topics we hope to cover in 30 minutes.

1. Minds On: Be Haw, not Hem
2. Background: TPT is for-profit
3. What we know: Other algorithms
4. Prediction: TPT personalized results
5. Pivot: Opportunities and Obstacles
6. Questions

Please like, comment, and share this with other TPT sellers.

This lets us know if we're on the right track in creating useful content for you. (Yay, active citizenship! Help shape this online community as we grow!)

The goal is to create a community of independent, like-minded TPT sellers who are using Strategies, Effort, Optimization, and Tinkering ideas to increase sales on our TPT journey.

Sound like fun? Although we have a team of people behind-the-scenes working on this live stream, we're always looking for more cooks in the kitchen. (Wait, is that the expression?)

If you think you might like to help out in the next live stream, let us know in the comments!

See you at the live stream!
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