
Top 30 Angular Interview Questions for Beginner Part -1 in one hour.

00:00 Introduction
01:26 Q1. What is Angular?
04:15 Q2. What are Angular advantages?
06:54 Q3. What is the difference between AngularJS and Angular?
09:36 Q4. What is NPM?
11:26 Q5. What is CLI tool?
13:08 Q6. What is Typescript? What are the advantages of Typescript over JavaScript?
19:13 Section 2 - Components & Modules
19:30 Q7. What are Components in Angular?
22:13 Q8. What is a Selector and Template?
23:35 Q9. What is Module in Angular? What is app. module.ts file?
26:35 Q10. How an Angular App gets Loaded and Started? What are index.html, app-root, selector and main.ts?
30:29 Q11. What is a Bootstrapped Module & Bootstrapped Component?
31:34 Section 3 - Databinding
32:18 Q12. What is Data Binding in Angular?
34:33 Q13. What is String Interpolation in Angular?
36:27 Q14. What is Property Binding in Angular?
39:20 Q15. What is Event Binding in Angular?
42:09 Q16. What is Two-way Binding in Angular?
46:04 Section 4 - Directives
46:20 Q17. What are Directives? What are the type of directives?
48:44 Q18. What is *ngIf Structural directive?
50:36 Q19. What is *ngFor Structural directive?
52:00 Q20. What is *ngSwitch Structural directive?
54:27 Q21. What is [ngStyle] Attribute directive?
57:18 Q22. What is [ngClass] Attribute directive?
01:00:05 – Q23. What is the difference between Component, Attribute and Structural Directives?
01:01:48 Section 5 – Decorator & Pipes
01:02:04 - Q24. What is Decorator?
01:03:43 – Q25. What are the types of Decorators?
01:04:29 – Q26. What are Pipes? What are the types of Pipes & Parameterized Pipes?
01:06:36 Q27. What is Chaining Pipes?
01:07:42 Section 5 - Others
01:07:54 Q28. Where to store static files in Angular project?
01:08:18 Q29. What is the role of Angular.json file in Angular?
01:08:57 Q30. What is the difference between JIT and AOT in Angular?
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