
This Baked Potato Order Is A Red Flag For Wendy's Employees

What could possibly be simpler than ordering a potato at Wendy's? Put a cooked potato in a box and call it a day, right? Wrong! When you talk to actual Wendy's employees about these suspicious spuds, you learn that customers make this fast food order more than difficult. For one thing, customers bring in all sorts of outside potato terminology, which has nothing to do with the official Wendy's menu. Other times, customers ask for things that Wendy's employees can't provide, and then get upset when they're met with confusion. All in all, this baked potato order is a red flag for Wendy's employees.

#Wendys #FastFood #Employees

Read Full Article: https://www.mashed.com/706297/this-baked-potato-order-is-a-red-flag-for-wendys-employees/
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