
The Biggest SECRET LinkedIn Search Trick for Job Transitions!

There are a lot of search filters on LinkedIn, but there is one in particular that is incredibly powerful, yet underutilized. If you are transitioning industries, this search filter will help you connect with people that work at your dream company and get your foot in the door! Haven't tried it out before? Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!

In this brief video, I walkthrough how you can filter for employees that worked in the same industry as you did.

Instructions to filter for past industries:

1. Enter the company name in the LinkedIn search bar
2. Once on the company LinkedIn page, click on the total number of employees shown beneath the cover photo. A list of all employees that work at the company will show up.
3. Under the search bar, you will see circle/rectangles filled in green. These are the search filters. Click on the far right shape that says "All Filters"
4. Scroll down until you see the "Past Company" filter
5. Type in the top 5-10 companies in your current industry
6. Click show results. Any employee that used to work in your current industry and have now transitioned into the target company will appear in the search result

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions. Happy networking! #linkedin #jobsearch #networking
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