
Steegle People employee directory and instant org charts automatically from Google Workspace

Instant Directory and Org Charts

Organization chart creator and searchable staff directory for Google Workspace that automatically generates org charts to show your organization structure and real-time search results. A simple alternative to LumApps, Happeo or Awesome Tables.

0:00 Introduction
0:11 How to search for employees by name, location or skills
2:09 User profiles: employment/contact details and fun facts
3:35 Full org chart: change orientation, export and zoom
5:16 Discover users by long service, birthdays or photos

Searchable G Suite/Google Workspace User/Staff/Employee Directory for Google Sites intranets and mobile web using the Steegle People. For full details and pricing please visit: https://www.steegle.com/g-suite/org-chart-software-directory

Many organisations need to find their employees quickly and easily from their intranets and mobile devices. Steegle People is a G Suite/Google Workspace domain search tool that gives a friendly and easy-to-use interface to search and filter for employees, staff, coworkers and colleagues based on the information you already have in your G Suite/Google Workspace user directory. The Steegle People Finder for G Suite/Google Workspace provides automatic organisation charts. If you do not want to use the G Suite/Google Workspace user information Steegle People can use another source like a Google Sheet instead.

Automatic Organisation Charts
Steegle People for G Suite/Google Workspace uses the manager relationship field in G Suite/Google Workspace to automatically generate an organization chart for your direct colleagues or the full organisation if required. This means you do not need to use another tool to see your organisational structure and can use the information your G Suite/Google Workspace Directory already provides.

GDPR Compliant
Unlike other directory tools Steegle People runs within your G Suite environment and searches the G Suite/Google Workspace directory directly, so no information is shared outside of G Suite/Google Workspace and no third-party tool has access to your personally identifiable data. This means you do not need any further data sharing or processing agreements as none of your employee personal information is shared outside of G Suite/Google Workspace.
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