
Rajasthan police kennel boy recruitment Interview | Dog kennel boy | 5th pass jobs | PD Classes

राजस्थान पुलिस कैनल बॉय भर्ती 2022
Rajasthan police kennel boy recruitment Interview | Dog kennel boy | 5th pass jobs | PD Classes
Rajasthan police kennel boy recruitment 2022 / Dog kennel boy
Dog kennel boy in Crime investigation department ,intelligence bureau
5th and 8th pass can be apply
Rajasthan Police invites online applications for the recruitment post of Kennel Boy in CID IB from eligible male and female candidates for 8 vacancies.
Work profile - Proper running of dogs , walks , playing , kennel cleaning, temperature control, Chemical free , disinfected , food for dogs
Why do you want to be a kennel boy?
I have pet , I am animal lover, good knowledge about animal feed , dogs related diseases and medicines
How we can treat a dog naturally?
Why do you want to join police department?
I love challenges, its my dream to work with government department, here we get respect from the society
What are the categories of a dogs ?
Sporting , non sporting, working , terrier , toy , hound , herding
How much size of kennel ?
Size should be that dog can stand up , lie down, turn around
What is purpose of kennel?
Safe and secure , protection from heat , winter, rain
Prevention of destructive behaviour and travelling what are the 4 D of dog training?
Distance, distraction , duration , difficulty
What are the 5 stages of the dog ?
Which is the most loyal dog ?
Most famous war dog is ?
Which are colours dog can see ?
Blue and yellow
What are the favourite food of dogs ?
Meat , cheese, fruits , milk , egg etc
About Manoj Sharma - An Interview specialist and English pedagogue. Author of 4 books.

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The candidate must have passed minimum 5th standard from a government or state government recognized school and must have practical knowledge of Hindi in Devanagari script and experience in cleaning and care of kennels.
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Rajasthan Police Kennel Boy (RPKB)
Apply - https://www.police.rajasthan.gov.in/PoliceUser/UploadUtility/RecruitmentFiles/Recruitment19112022113005.pdf

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