
Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange audio

#promissorynotes #billsofexchange #banks #privateperson

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What the Difference between the Bills of Exchange, Promissory Note, Cheque, Bank Note
Financial/commercial Instrument, Giro, and all other forms of cash, i.e money. all types of loans are
all fraudulent in so many ways, all Direct Debts are all Fraudulent in everyway ? There is no
difference between anyone of them, there are all in fact the same, even thought different words are
used to confuse many people, to which it seems to do a pretty good job doing this, many walk
around blindly, everyday yet don’t have a clue, to where their cash comes from, who creates it,
how it is created, and who the the true credit holder, and who is the true banker? here to help you
understand this part. Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange
Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, I.e such as Financial Instruments, Commercial
Instruments, Legal or lawful Tender instruments, and all types of many instruments are not
independent payment undertakings (debt obligations) there are all one and the same thing, the
maker; drawer from one person to another the payee/seller or representative to pay. They are
codified under the Bills of Exchange 1882, which were developed and interpreted by courts and
High Court ruling of Lord Denning. As the Real Contract is only between the two parties on this
instrument the third in any court case acts then as a trustee only
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