
PREVIEW: Do You Really NEED a Resume Writer CLASS

Or can you just write your resume yourself? ("DIY" it)?

This is a preview of my FREE CLASS on SkillShare: https://skl.sh/3BeYz6W

And/or, download the FREE PDF guide version (also included in the video course) off my website: http://resumeconfidence.com/evaluate-resume-writers/

So you probably assume I’m trying to “sell” you, and convince you “NEED” my services. (Right? I don’t blame you for being skeptical!)

But I’m not.

Unlike many course instructors, I've been doing this work for 15+ years, and literally working on hundreds (likely 1000’s) of resumes. I’d simply have to truthfully say:

Most people do need help, or would at least benefit from professional help. I'd guesstimate that 90- 95% of resumes I see could be improved – sometimes dramatically – with some help. It’s competitive out there.

This class and guide will help you assess:
• Your SKILL level for writing your resume
• Your time and budget you have available for your resume and
• Your level of personal interest in learning HOW to “DIY it”


• How to pick a pro for your needs, if you opt to hire someone (me, or another writer too).

Who can truly do a good (or good enough) job on their own (DIY - do it yourself)?

Truth? SOME. Not everyone.

That’s my honest, professional assessment given my 15+ years in this career.

**There’s no shame in needing resume help!** I probably don’t know how to do what YOU know how to do after all!

So I offer this video version, along with a pdf guide, to help anyone interested to assess themselves with a QUICK QUIZ – and – detailed input for those that dig the details.

We'll go over:
• How do you know if you actually NEED a professional resume writer?
• Could you probably do just as good yourself?
• What to look for in an ok, good, and great writer – and what to avoid
• The price range/details to expect at each level of service
• If the writer you already hired did a good job – or not

This course, and the accompanying 20 page pdf INSIDER’S GUIDE includes:
• check lists,
• quick clarity quizzes, and
• comparison tables for fast reference,

And for the more detail inclined folks ,it also includes more detailed input and explanations, too!

Hope this helps you decide what's best for YOU - hiring a pro, or, DIYing it!


Check out my other videos here on YouTube about how to make your resume stand out, too!

Resume Writing - Interview Coaching - Career Guidance - Online Teacher: https://www.resumeconfidence.com

Check out my website for 100+ blog posts with more resume writing tips and other ideas and inspiration for your job search.

You can also read testimonials from happy (often repeat) clients!

Also find me on LinkedIn and Facebook:
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