
Passing Job Interviews: Toughest Questions & Answers!

In this video, I will talk about “How To Crack Job Interviews”

What we will discuss in this video:
- What questions most interviewers (recruiters and employers) ask during job interviews and how to answer them without being put on a spot.
- Effective ways to introduce yourself in an interview.
- How to make the most positive impression on the interviewers and nail the next round of interview or even land the job!

01:01 - How to pass Job Interviews
01:36 - How to answer "Tell me about yourself”
02:56 - How to answer "Why did you leave or why you want to leave your current job”
06:38 - How to answer "Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years”
08:19 - How to answer "Tell me about your weaknesses”
10:12 - How to answer "Why should we hire you”
11:56 - How to answer "What are your salary requirements”

Hi! I am Isabelita Castilho, an Executive Career Advisor.
I support executives during their career transition by providing complete guidance and techniques to land a new job. This includes enhancing LinkedIn profile presence, personal branding,  finding the hidden (unpublished) jobs, strategies for the posted jobs, networking with target companies, approaching headhunters, and preparing for job interviews.

A hypnotherapy certification has allowed me to help my clients to overcome emotional burdens and mind blocks for a smooth life and career transition.

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