
Overview of Kenya's Data Protection Act | Tsaaro Academy Exclusive Webinar | #kenya #DPA

With Data Protection as a subject of discussion for quite some time on 8th Nov 2019, the president gave his assent to the Data Protection Bill. Kenya becomes the third nation in East Africa to have data protection legislation.

Watch our webinar to learn how Article 31 (c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 (Right to Privacy) is now the primary statute of Data Protection of Kenya.

00:00 Introduction
05:54 Features of the Act
11:57 Exemptions from Provision of the Act
20:45 Key Definitions
31:34 Data Subject Matters
38:35 Duties of the Data Controller & Processor
46:35 Duties Specific to Data Controller & Processor
48:55 Key Aspects of the Act
53:50 Penalties for Non-Compliance
57:15 Q&A

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Connect with Krishna: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishna-srivastava-a1baaa148/

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