
New online service to request employee personnel files launched in Kazakhstan. Qazaq TV

The online service called “Personnel file of the employee” was launched on the human resources portal ‘hr.enbek.kz’. It enables an employer to request an electronic package of documents required for the employment of a person. It includes data on the applicant’s ID card, his education, and status in the psychiatric, drug and tuberculosis registry, as well as an employee’s vaccination record. In addition, with the consent of the candidate one can also check information on the presence of parallel employment. The request is made through the personal data access control service of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry by sending an SMS or using a digital signature.
“Residents don’t have to worry about their personal data. They are stored in a unified system of recording employment contracts, which, in turn, enters the single database of government agencies. The system has been tested for information security of State Technical Service. All the certificates are available,” said Yerbolat Islamov, a chief expert at the Workforce Development Center.
Another service, which has been recently created, is called "Employee's Personal Account". It allows Kazakh citizens to view their employment contracts, download an employment certificate, and also sign consent to the processing of personal data.


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