
National Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Perspective

National Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Perspective

Chair: Alan Neal, University of Warwick, UK

Labour Law in Portugal during the Pandemic: Main Measures and Developments
Ana Teresa Ribeiro, Portoguese Catholic University, Portugal

Safer at Work: the Role of Shared Anti-contagion Protocols in Italy and Beyond
Marianna Russo, Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, Italy

Work Beyond the Pandemic: Towards a Human-centered Recovery
Elena Sychenko, St Petersburg State University, Russia

Termination Ban and Unpaid Leave as Interim Measures during Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkish Labour Law
Olgu Özdemir, Antalya Bilim University, Turkey

Covid-19 and its Impact on Rights of Workers in India – A Critical Analysis
Srishti Singh, United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica

Discussant: Carmen Agut Garcia, Jaume I University, Spain
Fondazione Marco Biagi, Largo Marco Biagi 10, Modena
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