
Make Him Tell The World About You! Subliminal + Supraliminal

Benefits of this Audio (The silent affirmations are a lot more detailed than the audible affirmations!):

In summary this audio will ensure that your SP is bragging about you to everyone he knows, meets and sees and of course he will only be saying wonderful heartfelt things about you! There are basic love, attraction and being the priority affs in this as well as a complex booster forcing results into your 3d powerfully with every listen. There are beauty affs, glow up affs, confidence and self love affs in this audio. This will also repair any relationship issues with SP standing in your way. Through all mediums of communication (phone, internet, social media, forums, in person, text, art, writing, you name it) your SP will be singing your praises. The affirmations are exaggerated and overzealous for faster results. But don't be surprised if he becomes clingier and more obsessed with you than usual. Regardless of anything, you will have 100% chances of good in all aspects in regards to your desired results. All facets of your results will be what you deem to be as "perfect". I always recommend to listen as often as you can until you get your results. But you can listen just once a day too. Follow your intuition with that. Release all efforts and let the subliminal do it's job.

Merry Christmas xoxo

To order a custom sub contact me at: [email protected]
To donate for my efforts: https://ko-fi.com/cutiesubs

Audible Affs:
He shouts from the mountain tops about my beauty.
You own his heart and mind!
He tells everyone about our love.
He tells the world how amazing I am.
He feels so incredibly lucky to be with you now.
He is my biggest fan.
Why does he always talk about you so fondly now?
My man is just straight up obsessed with me.
Why does he always speak about you so kindly now?
He is constantly bragging about me to his friends.
He is complimenting you to everyone he knows!
He is constantly speaking highly of me to his family.
He only has the best opinions of you.
He only sees the absolute best in me.
You are the most fascinating woman he will ever know!
He loves me so much and he loves to brag about our amazing relationship.
You are the most intriguing woman he has ever met.
He is so proud to be with me.
You are literal perfection and he loves to brag about it all the time.
I am a trophy in his eyes.
You two are in a perpetual honey-moon phase!
I'm his one and only goddess on a pedestal.
He tells everyone how he wants forever with you.
I can do no wrong with the right guy!
You are the main topic of his every discussion now.
Why is he always talking about how much he loves you?
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