
Legal Seminar: Undocumented workers’ rights as “workers” or “employees” under EU & international law

Moderator: Lieve Verboven, Director, International Labour Organization’s Office for the EU and the Benelux countries

Michele LeVoy, Director, PICUM

Overview: world of work and migrant workers
Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary, ETUC

International labour standards and the protection of migrant workers in an
irregular situation
Katerine Landuyt, Specialist in Labour Migration, International Labour Organization

EU law on working conditions and addressing changing employment
relationships and situations
Adam Pokorny, Head of Unit, Labour Law, DG Employment

Case law on the definition of the employment relationship and application of
EU employment law
Vera Pavlou, Lecturer in Labour Law, School of Law, University of Glasgow

Respondent: Steve Peers, Professor, School of Law, University of Essex
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