
Legal Resume Tips | How to Write a Legal Resume

Tips to improve your legal resume, from an experienced lawyer and certified professional resume writer.

My website, career advice and coaching for lawyers: https://thecareerfiles.com

My Legal Resume Review & Writing Services: https://thecareerfiles.com/legal-resume/

My Courses:

Networking Made Easy (all lawyers/legal professionals): https://the-career-files.thinkific.com/courses/networking-made-easy

Survive & Thrive (junior lawyers/law firm associates) https://the-career-files.thinkific.com/courses/survive-thrive-your-first-years-of-practice

Managing As a Midlevel (midlevel associates): https://the-career-files.thinkific.com/courses/managing-as-a-midlevel

My Books:

Acing OCI (guide to the law firm interview process): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09T4QP3F6

Law Firm Life (succeeding as a law firm junior associate): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XGW5LDL
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