
L’impact de l’économie du partage sur l’honnêteté des déclarations fiscales * En anglais*

Lan Guo is an Associate Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University. Her research interests include performance measurement, incentive designs and (un)ethical behaviors such as misreporting. In her research, she uses both experimental and survey methods. She is the Associate Editor at Accounting Perspective and serves on the Editorial Board of Contemporary Accounting Research.

Lan will present two collaborated studies in the conference:

- Berger, Guo and King (2020, published at Journal of Business Ethics). This paper uses an experiment to examine how participating in the “sharing economy” affects individuals’ tax reporting honesty.

- Berger, Guo, Matthew, and Ruffle (2021, Working Paper). This paper again uses an experiment to examine how organizations could use pay-to-quit and pay-to-stay bonuses to select and motivate employees.
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