
It sucks to be right early (but that's the only time it matters)

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In this episode of The Aussie Wire:
1. We need to talk about what to do with the 'newcomers' to our cause. Many of us paid a high price for speaking truth to power when it mattered... now what do we do about the 'Johnny-come-lately' celebrities who are now trying to play 'catch up'?

John Anderson interview with Peter Costello here: https://youtu.be/pZYAkXSPzMk
Follow John Anderson here;

2. We chat with Wade Northausen from the Billboard Battalion to find out how he dodged the censors and got an important message out, and what the Billboard Battalion is up to next.
Follow Wade Northausen here;

3. We present The Aussie Wire's first ever Special Report, made by Sydney Correspondent Chris De Bruyne, into the Liddell power plant closure, the similarities with the energy crisis in California, and what's likely to happen next.

Follow Chris De Bruyne (Chriscoveries) on his social media channels here:

4. We catch up with Monica Smit to see where her many court cases are up to and how she feels, with the benefit of hindsight, about what she did and the price she's paid.
Follow Monica Smit here;

This episode of The Aussie Wire is a celebration of ordinary people taking action and standing up when it matters.

The Aussie Wire stands for Truth, Freedom, and Hope. Please help us to keep going by becoming an Aussie Wire INSIDER at theaussiewire.locals.com/support or support us by grabbing some Aussie Wire merch at aussiebotstudio.com/theaussiewire/

New episodes of The Aussie Wire News drop on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4pm! To catch up on episodes you've missed go to theaussiewire.com
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