
Is pay transparency the answer to gender pay equality?


Could pay transparency in the UK be the answer to gender pay equality?
During our Fellows Forum on #InternationalWomensDay, we asked that very question. Professor Carol Atkinson welcomed Professor Jill Rubery, and Caitlin Schmid (PhD candidate in Sociology) to hear the latest research insights and reflect on both UK gender pay reporting measures and the EU’s proposed pay transparency directive.

Prof Jill Rubery is the Executive Director of the Work and Equalities Institute at Alliance Manchester Business School. She was previously Deputy Director of Alliance Manchester Business School and Head of the People, Management and Organisation Division (2004-2009). In 2006 she was elected a fellow of the British Academy and an Emeritus Fellow of Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge.

Caitlin Schmid is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Manchester researching measurements of gender equality, with a particular interest in unpaid work. She is also a Research Associate at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, where she has previously researched the effectiveness of the gender pay gap reporting systems in six countries.

Our Fellows Forums convene Chartered Fellows of the CIPD, executives and senior leadership to discuss and debate topics of strategic importance. The forums are a joint collaboration between CIPD Manchester Branch and the Work & Equalities Institute (part of the University of Manchester’s Alliance Manchester Business School)

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