
Is It Worth It? (Acts 1) | Watermark Church Worship Service 05/01/2022

Welcome to Watermark Church. Join us as the Watermark Band leads in worship and Pastor Jack Pickel brings the word.

Watermark Church resumed corporate worship on June 20th, 2021. Please be on the lookout for email communications and on watermarklive.com for additional information regarding guidelines and further instructions. Please be assured that your health and safety is our utmost concern as we execute on plans to resume fellowship as a body. Please pray for us during this time.

Please be mindful of your giving through this season. You can give through the GIVE PLUS app, or by writing a check and sending it through snail mail, or through our website: https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-...

Also visit us at http://www.watermarklive.com

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