
Investing in Health: The Intersection of Business, Public Health, & Community Development (Event)

On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York City's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene hosted a virtual event, "Investing in Health: The Intersection of Business, Public Health, and Community Development." The event in full is available to watch here.

The event brought together business leaders and public health professionals to examine how the pandemic has changed the scope of social responsibility and the ways in which the private sector is investing in the health of individuals and communities.

Panelists discussed how they are prioritizing investments to meet local health needs while ensuring equitable impact. They also discussed how they're measuring social and financial outcomes and devising mechanisms to boost more private investment and market opportunities in underserved communities.

The event was held as part of the New York Fed’s focus on three areas affecting community development: household financial well-being, climate-related risks to low- and moderate-income communities, and the social determinants of health.

For more information on our work in this area, visit nyfed.org/health.
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