
IFS Green Budget 2021

You can find out more about the Green Budget, and download the full report, here: https://ifs.org.uk/publications/15688

The IFS Green Budget 2021, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation, will analyse the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, its economic legacy, and the big decisions confronting Chancellor Rishi Sunak as he prepares for his upcoming Budget and Spending Review and aims to secure a lasting recovery, tackle inequalities that have widened over the past 18 months, and deliver on the Government’s other objectives and priorities.

The findings from chapters covering the economic and fiscal outlook and the forthcoming Spending Review will be presented at this event.

You can download the Citi disclosures here:
-Ben Nabarro: https://ir.citi.com/yFS39VEXTHB9LB42vdE1xZP0VjyL9LOxpaO4LN%2FamW770hu2OdhPQCEXd0aPMduZrBygj%2FbvVgE%3D
-Christian Schulz: https://ir.citi.com/8f0eqrbmAmrrn%2BQes6tTeynFhyT4wy%2BD8lSeOAzidg5rVv0HlNVQtkKxvve3joiL16lG5MyQnbA%3D
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