
I QUIT! how to manage toxic workplace environments + what's next | a work in progress the podcast 19

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hi friends! in today's video we have the a work in progress podcast episode number 19. After months of you all hearing me complain about my job, I finally did something about it, and was able to transition into a new position at a new company.

With this being my first, full time job and a young adult, I had no idea of what I was getting myself into, and I didn’t expect to face so many challenges!

In the spirit of telling you what I wish I knew before starting a job full time, especially as a new young professional, or a gap year student turned employee, consider this to be my tell-all of the different workplace challenges you may face. Then learn about why I chose to quit my new job and what’s next for me!

#BrelynnHunt #AWorkinProgress

♡ S H O W N O T E S ♡

♡ T I M E S T A M P S ♡
0:00 - welcome to a work in progress the podcast
1:10 - let’s talk workplace challenges
4:15 - fitting in a new workplace / making friends
11:11 making mistakes
12:36 - time management
19:06 - unpleasant coworkers (bullies)
21:12 - office gossipers
25:28 - problems w/ your boss
27:41 - don’t fixate, advance the kingdom
29:41 - why I stopped working as a GYN MA
37:42 - my new job as a PEDS MA
46:02 - why I Quit AGAIN
50:11 - kingdom keys
51:51 - guided affirmations
54:40 - you can’t break my soul

♡ K I N G D O M K E Y S ♡
What Are You Feeding On? | Dr. Khaalida Forbes - https://youtu.be/vYcNeN_N6Dw

♡ E P I S O D E A F F I R M A T I O N S ♡
Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small it may be.

Every morning I wake up, I am given a new opportunity to learn and grow.

Each new phase of my life allows me to grow as a person.

I receive the lessons from each experience with a grateful mindset.

I am proud of myself for staying calm and positive.

I remain at peace even in this difficult moment.

♡ S E N D M E A M E S S A G E ♡
If you have any feedback on the podcast, please let me know on Instagram or send me a message below.
If you enjoyed the show, please share it with your friends and family and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! It really helps :)

♡ F O L L O W M Y S O C I A L S ♡
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brelynn.hunt
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brelynnhunt
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrelynnBarbie/


♡ F A Q ♡
-CAMERA: Canon-EOS M50: https://go.magik.ly/ml/s0e3/
-This video was edited in iMovie
-I received my Masters in Physiology from NC State University in 2020.
-I graduated from Spelman College with a B.S. in Biology on the Pre-Medicine track.


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If so, comment: bb don't luv da kids

Remember to live everyday to the fullest because you only live once.
Thank you so much for watching!
-Brelynn ♡

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