
How to use ngTemplateOutlet and ngTemplateOutletContext | Using ng-template within ngFor directive

About this Video:
This video talks about using multiple templates within an ngFor directive. So generally we put all the checks within the same ngFor directive and then clutter the whole template. This becomes an issue later while debugging and if you want to edit one of the views out of the multiple views. So this is where ngTemplateOutlet and ngTemplateOutletContext comes into the picture.

Watch this video if you all want to know the commonly asked interview questions in Angular and have been searching for it all this while. This is the ninth episode of a multi-part series where in I will be going over a plethora of topics related to Angular. Stay Tuned! Do Like, Share and Subscribe if you enjoyed the content and found it helpful for your projects. Cheers!

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Video Chapters
Intro: (0:00)
Brief about the current project: (0:20)
Creating the templates for different views: (2:44)
Significance of ngTemplateOutlet: (3:43)
Significance of ngTemplateOutletContext: (4:00)
Conclusion: (5:02)

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