
How to use Advanced Lookup Field Control in SPARK Forms Builder

This video shows how you can add and configure the advanced lookup field in SPARK Forms Builder for SharePoint. The Advanced Lookup control is designed to consume data from any list within the local site collection or from other site collections in the web application. This control is the most suitable to display data from large lists because these data will not load during form load so no more delays in opening the forms.
The users will be able to search for any data in the source list using a popup search form, and it is worth mentioning that these results are sortable.
Also, the selection will be presented in the form as a link to redirect the user to the selected item's view (display) page when clicking on that link.

For more details about how to Customize modern forms for SharePoint lists watch this video

To learn how to create a custom list on SharePoint, see this tutorial video

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00:00 Chapter 01:Introduction
01:03 Chapter 02: Using advanced lookup control in SharePoint form
04:10 Chapter 03: Customizing the advanced Lookup
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