
How to Not Do an Employee Performance Review - Manager Fail

Happy employee performance review season!

Many companies are finalizing their 2021 books, which can mean employee performance review time. This can be stressful for everyone involved - from managers figuring out “what to write” to employees trying to decipher what their manager is actually saying.

Far too often, managers want to be “nice” to employees… and end up doing the exact opposite by delivering reviews that are surprising, vague, tinged with potentially problematic language… or all of the above.

In the comments, I’ve linked a blog listing Top 10 “don’ts” for managers in performance reviews, AND tactical tips on what to do instead.

In other words, don’t be like this manager below!
Part of Manager Method’s consulting service is taking a look at your performance reviews and providing objective feedback and talking points - after years of working on these, I love to help companies understand what to do in even the most challenging conversations.

#leadership #management #performancereview #hr
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