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Nairaworkers is a freelancing, outsourcing and crowdsourcing platform. We connect clients and freelancers from all over Nigeria.

Through our marketplace, clients can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as promoting on social networks, writing, testing websites, data entry, downloading, searching, installing and testing mobile apps right through to watching youtube videos and taking surveys.
To grow your business and make money online in Nigeria has never been easier!

Business Owners?
Ask people to help you

Sign up to a website
Promote your content
Install mobile apps
Subscribe to Youtube channel

Post A Job
Work when you want, where you want

Take a survey
Write an honest review
Test an app
Follow on social media

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How Small Gigs Work

Select jobs you like

Explore required tasks

Complete these tasks

Send required proofs

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1. Select jobs you like
Small Gigs are easy to do and require little time to finish. There are jobs like take a survey, retweet a business tweet, follow me on social media, download my app, Sign up on my website, help promote content and many others.

2. Explore required tasks
Once you see a job you like, view the required task and the required proof. Employers may also ask for screenshots.

3. Deliver work and get paid
Submit the required proof and get credited immediately after task is reviewed.

Start Now

Business Owner

1. Ask people to help you
This is where Small Gigs come in handy! We accept jobs that help Business owners promote their business (website, app, social media) or help them do something they cannot do by themselves; where they need more people and their knowledge to achieve goals.

2. Set the Required Task
List all you want the workers to do and the required proofs. You may also request screenshots as proof of completed task.

3. Rate the submitted tasks
Clicking "Approve" automatically transfers the fund you have set aside for a task to each individual Worker's account. You would only be paying for tasks you rate "Approved". Should you find a submitted proof unacceptable, click on the Disapprove button to decline such task.
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