
Grieving Those We Love - Interview with Kimberley Pittman - Schulz

Kimberley Pittman-Schulz is an award-winning poet and author who writes, teaches, and speaks about death, living mindfully, and being a force for change in the world. She helps those struggling with loss, specially women, to cultivate joy in their lives. By following her steps, beginning with simple mindful sensory moments (what she calls Tiny-Come-Back-to-Your-Senses Rituals), those in grief can learn to create space for this joy to emerge, and re-engage with life through giving to a
cause bigger than themselves.

Neither a grief counselor nor a therapist, Kimberley offers a fresh, unique perspective through her personal experiences with loss and grief as well as her work as a philanthropist and an end-of-life planning advisor. She challenges the common assumption of grief and joy as opposites and believes that they can, and do, co-exist, and that with practice you can grow joy and well-being. Kimberley’s book, Grieving Us, was a #1 New Release on Amazon in several categories upon its release in March 2021.

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