
Grief Matters: Ended Beginnings | Returning to Work

Going back to work after experiencing a loss is not easy.

When you are grieving a baby, it can feel impossible to fulfill professional responsibilities. In addition to this, workplaces are often unaware of how to support employees who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss.
Please join us as we look at the rights and obligations of the employer and employee, explore coping in the workplace and discuss fostering a supportive work environment.

For this installment of Grief Matters: Ended Beginnings, we focus on "Returning to Work". We welcome, Dr. Stephanie Gilbert, as our guest speaker for this webinar. Dr. Gilbert is an Associate Professor in the Shannon School of Business at Cape Breton University. She received her doctorate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Saint Mary’s University.

Hospice Simcoe will be hosting monthly workshops for Grief Matters: Ended Beginnings.
This series of workshops is designed to provide support, information and public awareness for matters relating to grief due to a pregnancy and infant loss. If you have been directly impacted by pregnancy and infant loss, or are looking for how to support someone who has; please join us on the third Wednesday of each month. Spring series runs from March to May, and the Fall series runs from September to December.

If you have any questions, please contact our Bereavement Coordinator, Amy Pritzker, MSW, RSW at 705-725-1140 |
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