
Good News from the Enemy: Our Advantages & Their Strategy to Beat Them

Link to the video we're talking about this week...

Apparently more employment discrimination cases are getting past summary judgement and into court. ‘Bout time, right?
In the video I linked above, the speaker shares a couple of advantages we employees have, especially at jury trials, and some tips to help employers neutralize those advantages.

Knowing our advantages can give us a confidence boost. Knowing their strategy helps us paper for it. And we can use the tips in this video ourselves.

Main ideas:
- Juries are WORKERS like us, so they tend to be sympathetic to our side. So are a lot of the people we encounter in this process! Most of them are CAPABLE of empathizing with us, if we can reach them.

- "Just the Facts" is a TERRIBLE strategy. Most of us need a context for evaluating the facts. If the context isn’t given to us, we create it by making up stories in our heads- about what MIGHT HAVE happened. Then we try to fit the facts to those stories, to try to figure out which story is more likely to be true.

- Discrimination cases involve a lot of facts, so context is even more important for us to give our listeners that.

-Stories are context. The speaker uses the OJ Simpson trial as an example and encourages employers to use the same strategy as OJ Simpson's defense team.
- Employees have two big advantages: We have good stories and we get to tell them BEFORE our employers get to tell theirs.

The speaker gives them employers some tips for creating a good story based on Kenneth Burke’s Five Elements of Drama, also known as the Burkes Pentad. This video covers the Pentad briefly, but for more detail, check this out: https://natureofwriting.com/courses/introduction-to-rhetoric/lessons/burkes-pentad/

A few final notes:
-OUR STORY should come from OUR PERSPECTIVE.
- The POWER of our story is in how well these elements go TOGETHER to paint a compelling and credible picture of what we went through.
y didn’t have a good story to make the jurors sympathetic to their position.

---- All opinions are my own. Not LEGAL advice. Just me sharing my perspective as an employee who went through the EEOC claims process & won. I am not an expert at all things EEOC. While I do my best to be factual in my observations, viewers should assume that all observations or statements are ALLEGEDLY. *Never trust your fate to a YouTube content creator. Do your own research, pilot your own vessel. *

--- Background photo on thumb courtesy of searchable NASA Image Library: https://images.nasa.gov/
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