
Global Employee Mobility: Top Strategies to Ensure Compliance

The concept of employee relocation has evolved drastically since the pandemic. As office buildings started closing in cities, employees started scrambling to figure out how to work from home. There have been numerous advantages associated with remote work. However, problems such as high rental prices in big cities and public health concerns arising due to densely populated areas have prompted many employees to re-think their working locations. For many, the answer has been relocating internationally.

Companies might be familiar with local employee relocation. However, international employee relocation is a complex process beyond physical relocation to another country. A global migration at such a scale has led to a surge in digital nomadism. For companies, that means adapting to changing regulations, understanding international requirements of employment and tax laws, and navigating data privacy concerns. As more employees take advantage of their global freedom, companies are left to figure out overall compliance.

Join Globalization Partners’ experts Kathryn Barnes, Employment Counsel EMEA, and Barbara Mangan, Global Audit and Compliance Manager, to get answers to questions including:

What are the main differences between local and global employee mobility?
What are the most common obstacles to global employee relocation?
What is the solution to manage international employee relocation compliantly?

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