
Get Started In ESG: Socialsuite, Element & Trace

Socialsuite's Global Head of ESG, Dr. Tim Siegenbeek van Heukelom, sat down with Erin Bourne, Executive Director, CSR, Social Performance and ESG at Element, and Brett Giddings, Sustainability & Impact Director at Trace.

Together, they discussed:
∙ ESG basics
∙ Up to date ESG information
∙ Ideas about how to start and where focus on ESG
∙ Sharing your ESG story with stakeholders through disclosure and reporting
∙ Becoming “Climate Positive” and Carbon Neutral.

This expert panel suggested ways to make the right ESG decisions so that you can start NOW.

Learn more: https://www.socialsuitehq.com/esg
Book a meeting: https://calendly.com/jessica-socialsuite/
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