
Get a Job Subliminal Message / Bineral Beats

What are subliminal messages?
Subliminal messages are messages that are transmitted directly to the brain in a way that prevents awareness. In the field of therapy, subliminal messages are suggestions or commands that are recorded by unique technology and played back at a low frequency that the human ear can receive at a conscious level.
Even if the conscious brain doesn't hear or understand the subliminal messages (except for background whispers or quick flashes), the subconscious mind picks them up and over time internalizes them as new thought patterns and paradigms.
the way to influence the subconscious mind is by repetition; therefore it’s recommended to listen to the subliminal message as much as possible during day and night.



frequency of 432Hz :
432 Hz - Deep healing music for body and soul - DNA healing, relaxation music, meditation music.
Hearing the frequency of 432Hz resonates in our body, releasing emotional blockages and expanding our consciousness.
This video uses a 432Hz frequency tone mixed with the music (the music itself is in standard tuning).
Binaural beats at lower beta frequencies (14 to 30 Hz) are associated with improved concentration and alertness, problem solving, and improved memory. According to a 2020 study, binaural beats at 40 Hz were found to improve training and learning.


This track has subliminal powerful designed to produce fast physical results. ご࿎ Listen at least 1-2 times daily for results.

Affirmations Include:
• I am excited to get out of bed every morning to look for my dream job.
• My new job will be challenging and rewarding.
• The people at my new job will be very appreciative of me.
• I will manifest a new job that I can make a positive outcome.
• I am attracting my dream job.
• The perfect career is out there waiting for me.
• I am worthy of having the job of my dreams.
• A career that’s built for me is coming my way.
• Every day that passes is a day putting me closer to where I want to be.
• My career path is laid out clearly in my mind.


Recommendations :
- Stay hydrated! Drink lots of water before and after listening to this subliminal affirmations.
- Listen for 21 days to allow the subliminal powerful to anchor into your mind.
- Just focus on what you WANT to feel love for what you desire, let it fill you, release the negative emotions of what you no longer want.
- Believe that your dream life is here! By doing this you align your consciousness and your subconscious, the universe reflects these feelings and vibrations and brings them into reality.
- If you enjoy my meditation music and would like to support me, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel
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