
From 0 Internships to 6-Figure Salary: How to Land Your Dream MSE Job (ft. Bennett Smith) | Ep. 57

The job search process can be a taxing time, as you have to balance networking, resume building, submitting applications, and preparing for interviews with your existing class workload. It is especially important to us because we’re covering a significant challenge many MSE students and early-career professionals face: discovering what they are truly passionate about and landing a job at a company they love in a role that they truly enjoy.

Check out our MSE Company Database and free professional development guide for materials scientists and engineers!

In today’s episode, we are excited to bring on Bennett Smith, an MSE student at the University of Florida and an active member of our MSE Academy program. He recently completed his job search process and accepted an offer at Carbon 3D, so while his experiences are still fresh, we wanted to give him a chance to share his experiences and learnings with other MSEs.

In this conversation, we discuss:

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