
Employment Rights Q&A

When do your severance entitlements end? How can you deal with workplace discrimintation?

Discover the truth about your rights LIVE with Vancouver employment lawyer, Madelena Viksne. Ask us your questions and discover the truth about wrongful dismissals, temporary layoffs, employment contracts, severance entitlements, terminations for cause and more. Learn everything you need to know about your rights as an employee from an employment lawyer.

September 13, 2022, from 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT. #Vancouver

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► Before you call a lawyer, use PocketEmploymentLawyer.ca to find out if you might have a case: http://bit.ly/Pocket-Employment-Lawyer​

► Calculate the amount of severance pay you are owed with the Severance Pay Calculator: http://bit.ly/Severance-Pay-Calculator​

► Denied Long Term Disability? We Can Help. Find out more: https://bit.ly/Disability-Lawyers​

Toronto employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Toronto-Employment-Lawyer​
Vancouver employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Vancouver-Employment-Lawyer
Ottawa employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Ottawa-Employment-Lawyer​
Calgary employment lawyer - http://bit.ly/Calgary-Employment-Lawyer​

More about the Employment Law Show here: http://bit.ly/Employment-Law-Show​
Watch the Disability Law Show here: http://bit.ly/Disability-Law-Show​

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