
Elon Musk orders Tesla staff return to office, says remote employees ‘pretend to work’|New York Post

Elon Musk ordered Tesla staffers back into the office full-time on Tuesday — and invited employees who weren’t happy to pack up and “pretend to work somewhere else.”

In a terse email sent to corporate Tesla staffers, Musk wrote that “Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean *minimum*) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla. This is less than we ask of factory workers.”

“If there are particularly exceptional contributors for whom this is impossible, I will review and approve those exceptions directly,” Musk added. “Moreover, the ‘office’ must be a main Tesla office, not a remote branch office unrelated to the job duties.”

Screenshots of Musk’s email circulated on Twitter Tuesday. In response to a Twitter user who asked Musk for his response to any Tesla employees who think in-person work is an “antiquated concept,” Musk once again bashed remote workers.

#ElonMusk #Tesla #WorkingInCovid

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