
Digital Marketing Complete Course | Full Digital Marketing Tutorial for Beginners | Part-1

What is Marketing?
Learning Objectives:
Understanding the basic concept of Marketing
Marketing is defined as the process of creating value by different authors. In simple words, marketing is all about providing solutions to the problems of the customers and society. Traditionally, we have been associating marketing with sales, but marketing includes advertising, product development, promotion, retail as well as a lot of other activities that connect the company with the customers.
Evolution of Marketing
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding of basic premise behind todays Marketing
2. Comprehension of how Marketing has changed through Time
3. Basic knowledge of today’s Marketing Aims
The concept of Marketing has changed throughout the scope of history. Each era of Marketing has built up from its predecessor. Looking at how Marketing evolved we understand what are the core concepts that underpin it today. Marketing has gone through 7 different eras in time – Trade, Production, Sales, Marketing Department, Marketing Company, Relationship and Social Media Eras. With time, activities such as exploring new product avenues, optimizing machine production, making a hefty sales effort, differentiating your product, being customer-centric, creating long-lasting relationships and creating digital communities all have included in the wider definition of Marketing.
Title: 05- What is Digital Marketing?
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding what is Digital Marketing
2. Knowing what activities are included in Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a newer concept that defines doing marketing efforts on Digital Channels. Digital Channels are basically any means of communication that are able to broadcast to larger audiences, allow for response and allow interactions between the receivers of the message. Digital Channels include Websites, Email, Social Media, Search Engines, Mobile Apps, etc. Activities that are common in digital marketing include Social media Marketing, Paid Search Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Automation of Sales.
Power of Digital Marketing
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding the significance of Digital Marketing today
2. Understanding what benefits can Digital Marketing do for the company
Digital Marketing has become a buzzword of the modern day internet, but why is it so important? Looking at facts we find how the world’s consumers are shifting towards digital media: About half of the world’s population is now an internet user and around 3 billion people are mobile phone internet users; the same amount of people use social media each month. If the consumers are now digitally present, marketing needs to be there as well. Digital Marketing is beneficial over traditional marketing because it reaches more people, is more personal, allows more engagement from the customer, allows innovative communications, is important for online sales, and reduces costs immensely.
Types of Freelancing Jobs for Digital Marketers
Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding of what freelancing is
2. Knowledge of most common freelance jobs for digital marketers
Freelancing is the name given to providing services such as writing, designing, Marketing and selling over the internet. These jobs are generally short term based and are contractual. The employer and employee only interact digitally. The most famous website where you could look for freelancing jobs is Upwork.com. Most common jobs available on this platform include
1) Social Media Manager: where you are required to manage client’s social media pages
2) SEO Expert: where you are required to use SEO skills to improve the search ranking of the client’s website
3) Online Sales Expert: where you are required to create a framework that creates leads for the clients. You should work towards building your profile and portfolio to get good jobs at good rates on the website.
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AutoCAD 2d&3d https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnkHfxC8xtKegNKhs7DXDYG7IgOdXsk-

Virtual Assistant https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnkHfxC8xtJ5N7ESKNXnby5m37GebbNE

Affiliated Marketing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnkHfxC8xtLKGJWb9yi2m-yR1Q4BO_zt

Digital Literacy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjnkHfxC8xtIdR77CmsVa-PnMu_3o5lpR

I have upload Learning Skills in
Revit BIM Modeling,
Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Premier,
Adobe PhotoShop,
Search Engine Optimization,
Digital Marketing,
Corel Draw Basic,
Content Writing,
Wordpress Website develop/Design,
Affiliate Marketing,
Virtual Assistant,

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