According to a recent study*, 86% of professionals said that they would change jobs if a new company offered them more opportunities for professional development. The Great Resignation has shown us that employees are clear on their wants and needs at work—more work-life balance, flexibility and transparency, less surveillance, control and micromanaging. “Toxic culture” was a primary reason employees left their companies in search of greener pastures and the data shows that investing in learning and development likely could have saved some of those resigned employees. Watch this conversation on how to attract and retain employees by cultivating a culture that prioritizes employee development.
- What defines a toxic culture & how to systematically pivot toward healthier behavior
- How investing in employee development attracts and retains the right people
- Why employee development has become essential to healthy work cultures
- What defines a toxic culture & how to systematically pivot toward healthier behavior
- How investing in employee development attracts and retains the right people
- Why employee development has become essential to healthy work cultures
- Category
- Job
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