
CV Writing Tips

The video is a brief overview of the CV writing process. The process entails a lot of details which we highlighted in the 30 min video.

"What is written without effort is read without pleasure" - Samuel Johnson

In this podcast we talk about the strategy to employ when writing the CV and briefly touch on: Focus and Perception; Career Goals and Objectives; and finally on Accomplishments.

We also briefly discuss about the presentation and common mistakes in CVs.

Finally, we give a checklist on some of the important things to include in a CV. Stay tuned till the end of the video for this!

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Podcast: https://anchor.fm/joan321/episodes/Clarity-on-Career-Direction-e19841e
Instagram: @Joanthecareercoach
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSek27ehU/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joan-the-career-coach-76bb2511

PS: This was the first time Ken was recording a video, so proud of him
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