
CV writing | MS Word | resume writing | simple cv writing Urdu | Hindi

CV( #CurriculumVitae ) is the first and foremost thing someone asks for when you are looking for a Job. In this video, how to make the best #CV and what are the most important things you must include in your CV if you want to get a job in Pakistan or in any part of the world.

In this video, you will learn about How To Create an attractive, #simpleCV In #MSWord for #freshgraduates & #experiencedcandidates.

you will learn how to create an #effectiveresume for the teaching field by yourself using Microsoft word at your home.

In this video you are going to learn some of the #CVCreation Tips and you will learn what to include in a CV, these are as follows:
-Write to the point things
-Add what you can do for the #institute.
-Add Experience related to the job you are applying for.
-How you can be useful for the institute you are applying for the job
-Write extra skills which can be useful for the company

also, visit this link

how to fill bubble sheet in board examination.


if you have an interest in Islamic history then must watch these video
go & visit this link


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