
Catch the Culture Culprit: The Mystery of the Disconnect | Rica Grubbs | TEDxBalchStreet

Do you love your job but hate going to work? Do you sing the Friday - Monday blues? Training and Development professional Rica Grubbs shares insight to help Catch the Culture Culprit and solve the mystery of disconnection in the workplace. Rica is an Akron native and proud graduate of Buchtel High School (1040).
She earned her undergraduate degree in organizational business
management and her graduate degree in organizational leadership both
at Malone University in Canton Ohio. Rica is a doctoral candidate in
educational leadership at Youngstown State University with a focus on
the impact adult learning and professional development has on
workplace culture. She is currently a Training and Development Manager
in the largest public school district in Ohio and owns a professional development consulting firm. The
well-being of people and her own experience working in various industries as a laborer, middle-
management, leadership, HR employee engagement, and training and development along with her
formal education and certifications in coaching and diversity, propelled Rica to develop an introspective professional development programs. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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