
Can I Ask That, Part 3: Employee Interviews, With Scott Rogoff

In episode 14 of the Barclay Damon Live Labor & Employment Podcast, Ari welcomes back her Barclay Damon colleague Scott Rogoff for the last segment in their “Can I Ask That?” series. They discuss employee interviews, including preparation, question phrasing, and what to put in your notes (and what not to). They advise interviewers to aim for consistency and be an active listener, also sharing pointers on what to do if an applicant discloses protected information. Accommodations for people with disabilities during interviews is another important topic, as well as keeping the focus on the job requirements, rather than on the applicant’s personality or interests. Be sure to tune in to for Ari’s next episode, about workplace policies.

The Labor & Employment Podcast playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfDtSouzAs23PlX2dPAP0o6CmcejLXBDt

Barclay Damon Live podcast transcripts and captions are automatically generated through artificial intelligence, and the texts may not have been thoroughly reviewed. The authoritative record of Barclay Damon Live programming is the audio file.

This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion, and no attorney-client relationship has been established or implied. Thanks for listening.
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